Abara (アバラ) is a short manga written and illustrated by Tsutomu Nihei.
Abara tells us about Kudou Denji's journey, a so-called "Gauna". Gaunas are creatures of darkness that live according to their will, devouring others of their own species and even humans, causing much destruction in our society. Kudou is a Black Gauna who, although uninterested, is forced to fight White Gaunas, humans who transform into monstrous creatures with a thirst for blood and destruction. A human-protected seal prevents the release of White Gaunas, but many secrets have been taken from that seal and the Gaunas, and once the seal is broken, humanity will be annihilated. The Black Gaunas go out of their way to protect men from this threat, but will their willpower be enough to prevent catastrophe in this apocalyptic world?
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- Abara translates to ribs in English.
- The name Guana would eventually be used again as the name for the primary antagonists in Nihei's latest series, Knights of Sidonia.