Tsutomu Nihei Wiki

The Third Volume of Blame! was released in December of 1999 by Kodansha, and on February 7th, 2005 by TOKYOPOP.

This volume continues to follow Killy and Cibo after breaking through the Megastructure above Cluster Town. Beyond, they stand before another massive structure known as Toha Heavy Industries, a human tribe of Electrofishers inhabiting its exterior. Teaming up with these inhabitants, as well as a young girl named Sanakan, the two investigate the mysterious tower in hopes of obtaining more information on Net Terminal Genes.


Killy and Cibo come closer to unlocking the secrets of the Netsphere. However, the ability to actually understand the language of the Net Terminal Gene carriers may have been forever lost. Will Killy find a way to translate these seemingly undecipherable signals before the Authority itself is destroyed by its own creation?



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Blame! - Volumes and Chapters
Volume 1 The Net's OffspringMemories of EarthTechno NomadsEX-LOGThe AuthoritiesEscapeSilicon SoulsThe Builders
Volume 2 EX-LOG - Nest RuineThe CapitolThe CorporationNet SphereSafety Guard
Volume 3 The Great SurfElectrosilos FishermenPlantersAwakeningAssaultBasic LanguageMassacre
Volume 4 Backup CyberspaceLimit CancelHybridToha Heavy IndustriesElectronic KnightThe Eighth Cave
Volume 5 HackingScattered SpaceGravity FurnaceVersionCave 13Cease Fire
Volume 6 Sanakan and CiboVibrationCollapseDissolutionDisappearanceBeautiful LifeUnofficial Megastructure
Volume 7 Central NexusClass 1 Critical Effect WeaponCaptureAnti-Intrusion Electron SpaceThe Megastructure's Internal FissureSpecial Safeguards
Volume 8 Inside the MegastructureMultiple Dispersion Molecule MovementProvisional Connection CertificationRaidUrgeLevel 9Far-Off
Volume 9 Parallel Electricity Storage Tank ClusterThe CallerLacking EscapeThe CaptorAnother MeetingPeopleThe Observer
Volume 10 Unified Metal BeamsContinuumOrganicBurning SiliconRescue of the ReceptacleExterminator, First ClassRetrieved ConsciousnessThe Edge of the City