Tsutomu Nihei Wiki

"EX-LOG - Nest Ruine" is a short introduction chapter in Volume 2 of Blame!.


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Character Appearances[]

Notes & Trivia[]

To be Added

Blame! - Volumes and Chapters
Volume 1 The Net's OffspringMemories of EarthTechno NomadsEX-LOGThe AuthoritiesEscapeSilicon SoulsThe Builders
Volume 2 EX-LOG - Nest RuineThe CapitolThe CorporationNet SphereSafety Guard
Volume 3 The Great SurfElectrosilos FishermenPlantersAwakeningAssaultBasic LanguageMassacre
Volume 4 Backup CyberspaceLimit CancelHybridToha Heavy IndustriesElectronic KnightThe Eighth Cave
Volume 5 HackingScattered SpaceGravity FurnaceVersionCave 13Cease Fire
Volume 6 Sanakan and CiboVibrationCollapseDissolutionDisappearanceBeautiful LifeUnofficial Megastructure
Volume 7 Central NexusClass 1 Critical Effect WeaponCaptureAnti-Intrusion Electron SpaceThe Megastructure's Internal FissureSpecial Safeguards
Volume 8 Inside the MegastructureMultiple Dispersion Molecule MovementProvisional Connection CertificationRaidUrgeLevel 9Far-Off
Volume 9 Parallel Electricity Storage Tank ClusterThe CallerLacking EscapeThe CaptorAnother MeetingPeopleThe Observer
Volume 10 Unified Metal BeamsContinuumOrganicBurning SiliconRescue of the ReceptacleExterminator, First ClassRetrieved ConsciousnessThe Edge of the City