Risking his life to ensure humanity's survival, Tanikaze Nagate rides out in his silver armor, the Tsugumori! Thousands of years have passed since the Gauna destroyed the Solar System. The enormous seed ship, Sidonia, travels through space while propagating and producing humans. Brought up in the lowest decks of Sidonia, a young man, Tanikaze Nagate, becomes a Guardian trainee, and is authorized to pilot the outdated but historically renowned Tsugumori. The battle with Nagate's life at stake begins now!
Chapters 40 - Mere Two Unit's Rescue Party 41 - Nagate Tanikaze's Land Battle 42 - Shizuka Hoshijiro's Image 43 - Pilot Tsuruuchi's Melancholy 44 - Midorikawa Yuhata's Decision
Release Date
Release Date
May 23, 2013
August 5, 2014
Volume 10 210 Pages
Cover Character Izana Shinatose
Chapters 45 - The Honoka Sisters' House Search 46 - Kanata's Birth (Part One) 47 - Kanata's Birth (Part Two) 48 - Development of the Critically Unstable Weapon 49 - Tanikaze Nagate's Secret Mission
Release Date
Release Date
October 23, 2013
October 7, 2014
Volume 11 210 Pages
Cover Character Teruru Ichigaya
Chapters 50 - Remnants of the Pacifists 51 - Rescue of a Shipwrecked Sailor 52 - The Struggle of Hiyama Lala 53 - Large Mass' Union Ship's Presence 54 - Ichigaya Teruru's Conversion
Release Date
Release Date
March 20, 2014
December 2, 2014
Volume 12 212 Pages
Cover Character Yuhata Midorikawa
Chapters 55 - Launch of the Mizuki 56 - The Protean Gauna 57 - Honoka Shō's Rescue 58 - Mizuki's Power 59 - The Lem Star's Gravitation
Release Date
Release Date
August 22, 2014
March 10, 2015
Volume 13 192 Pages
Cover Character Tsumugi Shiraui Nagate Tanikaze
Chapters 60 - Installment of the Semi-Autonomous Converter System 61 - The New Pilots' First Battle (Part One) 62 - The New Pilots' First Battle (Part Two) 63 - Shiraui Tsumugi's Dream 64 - The Dismantling of Kanata
Chapters 71 - The First Assault Fleet's Decision 72 - Tsumugi's Wish 73 - The First Assault Fleet's Interception 74 - Captain Kobayashi's Resolve 75 - Kunato Squad's Assault 76 - The Mass Union Ships' Counter Attack 77 - A Knight of Sidonia 78 - The End of the War Against the Gauna