"Organic" is the sixtieth chapter of Blame!, and the third chapter of Volume 10.
A group of armored Silicon knights attack Sanakan and Cibo. The creatures carry shields that reflect graviton beams, and kinetic blades similar to Pcell’s weapon. The lead creature obliterates Sanakan’s body with a kinetic swipe that also cleaves the chamber open. The creatures capture Cibo.
Upon her death, Sanakan’s latest cortical imprint is transmitted into the Net, and her mind is instantiated in an auxiliary cyberspace.
There, an Authority administrator debriefs her. The Authority has an alternative plan to retrieve Cibo that does not involve Sanakan, and she is dismissed as an Authority agent.
Sanakan pleads for another chance to rescue Cibo. The administrator grants her the freedom to download herself to the base reality, but cautions her: With her agent status expired, the Authority no longer hosts a backup of her mind, and neither do the Safeguards (since she left them to work for the Authority). With no backups, another death will be unrecoverable.
Sanakan downloads into the City as a free agent, in an upgraded version of her Safeguard body.
Elsewhere, an Authority representative contacts Killy by hijacking Mori’s vocalizer. It claims that Cibo’s level 9 Safeguard form can be used to save the City. The representative explains Cibo’s capture, and gives Killy coordinates to find her.
Character Appearances[]
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To be Added